Strengthening the healthy side

Care for IDF disabled and victims of hostilities

Whether it be short-term care or being there for you on a permanent basis, long-term care, accompaniment or coaching services, Manpower Care does all it can to help the care recipient improve their quality of life and integrate in their environment more easily, and maintain their lifestyle and dignity all the while.

Manpower Care provides long-term care services countrywide to people with physical disabilities, and is certified by the Ministry of Defense to provide accompaniment and coaching services to IDF disabled, to victims of hostilities, and to bereaved families.

Manpower Care provides the following services for IDF disabled and victims of hostilities:

Accompaniment services for IDF disabled who have limited function for the activities of daily living:

• Personal care for the disabled person (hygiene, eating and dressing).

• Care in the residential environment (cooking and housekeeping).

• Mobility of the care recipient in a wheelchair.

• Providing accompaniment for medical treatment and rehabilitation sessions.

Coaching services: for IDF disabled who need support and assistance in social and interpersonal activities:

• Encouraging and assisting with social activities.

• Improving behavioral and family skills.

Accompanying family members: as part of the care for the disabled person Manpower Care also closely accompanies family members on an ongoing basis, supporting and advising them, from the time of the referral and throughout the process.

The advantages of the care and oversight by Manpower Care:

Trained and experienced caregivers. To deliver the highest standard of care, Manpower Care provides its employees with training in long-term care, and professional oversight and group training by facilitators and social workers. The company also places a highly developed human resources and employee well-being system at the disposal of its caregivers, assisting their personal development and helping them to provide high-quality and dedicated service.

Multidisciplinary team, including social workers who have specialized in rehabilitation, and who see the big picture from a rehabilitation perspective, in order to advance and develop the capabilities of the physically challenged person in an optimal manner.

Fully tailored to the needs of the care recipient. By employing a diverse range of long-term caregivers, people to accompany them outside the home, and coaches countrywide, with extensive experience and a diverse range of specialties in care, Manpower Care offers comprehensive availability and optimal matching fine-tuned to the individual needs of each care recipient, based on their condition and level of functioning.

A round-the-clock response. With a call center staffed 24 hours a day, and a broad spectrum of caregivers available, Manpower Care is committed to helping you in any situation, in routine times and in emergencies.

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